The Law Office of Matthew M. Williams, P.C.


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Making It Through Your First Holiday Season Post-Divorce

 Posted on December 05, 2017 in Divorce

Illinois custody attorney, Illinois family law attorney, Illinois divorce lawyer,The divorce process may be one of the most emotionally traumatic experiences of your life, as the relationship you once thought would last forever has ended. Dealing with the aftermath of your divorce while navigating the winter holidays can increase the stress and anxiety of rebuilding your life.

The Holidays Are Stressful Enough

Crowds at the mall, parking lots filled to capacity, family get-togethers and office parties are just some of the things that make this time of the year very stressful. The after-effects of a divorce can increase that stress level, but if you have some idea of what to expect then perhaps you can take steps to avoid adding to your anxiety.

  • People like to talk about their families and what is happening in their life when they gather during the holidays. Send a brief note to family and friends that, although you appreciate their support, you would prefer not to focus on or discuss your break up.
  • Do everything you can to keep the holiday mood upbeat for the sake of any children that were affected by the divorce. They are, after all, the innocent victims of divorce and do not deserve to have their holidays spoiled by fights, or well-intentioned relatives speaking ill of your ex-spouse.
  • If your family gathers often during the holidays, hopefully, they will understand if you decide to skip an event or cut out early. While being around friends and family can be good for you, it can become overwhelming.

Make Sure You Have a Happy Holidays

Attempting to avoid uncomfortable social situations and tense conversations about your relationship status are one part of surviving your first, post-divorce holiday season. Here are some ideas for making the holidays more enjoyable

  • Buy yourself something nice. Splurge a little and buy yourself a really great gift. Make it something you always wanted, but never got because maybe it did not seem practical for married life. Now that you are single it is OK to buy that certain something you always had your eye on.
  • Take a little time throughout the holidays to just seek some alone time to focus on all the good things you have in life. The woes and stress of divorce have dominated much of your time and thoughts the past year, so spend some time just counting your blessings.
  • Spend time with people who know what you are going through. Support groups can have a great effect this time of year.

Work with an Understanding Aurora Divorce Lawyer

Do not try to go through the divorce process alone. Rely on the counsel of a knowledgeable and experienced DuPage County Divorce Attorney for the help you need. The Law Office of Matthew M. Williams, P.C. uses all available resources to ensure an equitable and efficient end to your marriage. Contact their offices today to schedule an initial consultation.


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The Law Office of Matthew M. Williams, P.C.


1444 North Farnsworth Avenue, Suite 307, Aurora, IL 60505

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