Kendall County Visitation Enforcement Lawyer

Parenting Time Enforcement in Kendall County, Kane County, and DeKalb County
When a court defines a schedule for parenting time, it is legally binding. While there are legal means for modification, sometimes a parent will undertake action that interferes with the defined schedule. This is illegal and is referred to as parenting time interference or visitation interference. Depending on the severity of the interference, it can be considered either a civil or criminal matter (considered a misdemeanor for repeat offenses).
Many times, a parent will try to schedule a child for activities that meet only during another parent's scheduled parenting time. While this is not a criminal offense, it does go against the court-mandated visitation schedule. In the more egregious cases, a parent will simply not allow the child to see the other parent. The first instance is merely a petty offense, but it rises to a misdemeanor charge for repeat action.
If you are facing parenting time interference violations, you have multiple avenues for enforcing your rights. If a parent is repeatedly taking action that indirectly violates the terms of your parenting plan, you can file a contempt proceeding in civil court, seeking to enforce the visitation schedule as it is.
If the violation is more severe, you can file a criminal visitation interference complaint.
In either of these cases, a skilled attorney is crucial.
Naperville Establishing Visitation Lawyer
I have been working on visitation and enforcement issues for close to a decade, and if you are faced with these challenges, I am ready to bring my skill and experience to ideally resolve them. I am prepared to demonstrate interference and work toward enforcement or defend against it.
In either case, deliberate and decisive action is extremely beneficial. I urge you to reach out.
To schedule a consultation with Aurora parenting time enforcement attorney Matthew M. Williams, call 630-409-8184 or e-mail the Law Office of Matthew M. Williams, P.C.