Paternity Attorney in Kendall County

Illinois Fathers' Rights Lawyer
Establishing the paternity of a child born out of wedlock is a critical matter for mothers and fathers. For fathers, establishing paternity is the only way to secure your custody rights in regards to your child. For mothers, establishing paternity is how you would go about securing the child support that will help provide the resources your child deserves growing up.
I am Naperville paternity divorce lawyer Matthew M. Williams of the Law Office of Matthew M. Williams, P.C. I can help you establish paternity and secure the rights and support that will be necessary in raising your child.
Do I Need a DNA Test?
Many people think that they need a positive DNA test result in order to establish paternity. That is not the case. Paternity may be established by:
- Agreement of the parties;
- Marriage to the child's mother at the time of the birth and/or conception;
- Allowing your name to be placed on the birth certificate or acknowledge of paternity form;
- An order of paternity by the Illinois Department of Public Aid
In the same court proceeding that establishes paternity, related issues of child custody, visitation and child support will be determined. The court will employ the usual standard of attempting to serve the best interests of the child in its decision making. Likewise, support obligations will be determined using the same standards as if the parties were going through a divorce action.
Contact My Office
Secure your right to have a voice in the raising of your child through the establishment of paternity. Call 630-409-8184 or simply contact me online to schedule your initial consultation. Flexible payment plans and reasonable retainers are part of the commitment I make to helping you move forward with your life.