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Child Custody Tips: Advice for Newly Single Parents

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in DuPage County divorce lawyer

Illinios divorce attorney, Illinois family law attorney, parenting tips,In most divorce cases, neither spouse is entirely happy with the outcome. Property division, alimony, child support, and other factors involve a lot of “give and take,” and each spouse must make certain sacrifices to end a marriage. Still, there is a certain satisfaction that comes with receiving the child custody arrangement that you desire.

That said, there still await many challenges for new single parents — especially if they work fulltime or have other time-consuming obligations. Another obstacle is living on a single income.

Despite these challenges, it is still possible for single parents to raise children, spend plenty of time with them, and enjoy the pleasures of parenthood. Here are three tips that can help single parents adjust to the new lifestyle:

Do Not Work Yourself Too Hard reminds readers that it is important for single parents to consider their own needs, as well as those of the child. Transitioning into this new lifestyle can be stressful and may lead to sleep loss, poor performance at work or school, and even unhealthy habits like eating too much or too little. Of course, the well-being of the children is a priority—nobody would dispute that—but in order to provide adequate care, your personal health and happiness should be priorities, as well.

 Find Ways to Spend Time with Your Children

 Single parents undoubtedly have busy lives. With work, errands, and possibly school, finding the opportunity to spend quality time with children can be difficult.

Parents must make the time to bond with their children. This does not necessarily have to be an extensive outing; rather, simply watching a TV show or movie together is an excellent way to enjoy each other’s company.

Plan for the Future

For single parents, it is all too easy to focus only on day-to-day activities. It is important, however, to consider what the next five to 10 years will look like.

Part of this is planning for your children’s financial and educational futures. This is especially important if they are teenagers. By planning ahead, it is less likely that you will make a mistake, such as missing a college application deadline, which could compromise your young one’s future.

Contact a Family Lawyer in DuPage County, Ill.

 If you would like to speak with an experienced DuPage County family law attorney about a child custody or support matter, contact the Law Office of Matthew M. Williams, P.C. at 630-409-8184 to schedule consultation.

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1444 North Farnsworth Avenue, Suite 307, Aurora, IL 60505

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