The Law Office of Matthew M. Williams, P.C.


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Challenges of Single Parents: Leaving Your Children Home Alone

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Children of divorce

Illinios divorce attorney, Illinois family law attorney, child custody disputes,Divorce always comes with several challenges and unique adjustments to each spouse's life. Whether these are financial, emotional or parental challenges, they often feel as if they come at an abrupt time and demand quick change.

Single parents face many distinct hurdles, and these vary depending on the family structure, income, and assets. Children who enjoyed living in a tight-knit family will have to adjust to living with a single parent and perhaps seeing the other only on weekends. Spouses must adjust to a single income, and they may lose their social circles. Still, divorce is often a smart decision for couples who are no longer in a healthy relationship.

When Is the Right Time to Leave Children at Home?

Single parents often base their schedules on when their children are in and out of school. Though this is true for married couples, as well, single parents more often struggle with whether or not to leave their children home alone.

 After school activities, such as scholastic programs, sports or other hobbies, serve two purposes: They give the children a place to stay while the parents are at work, and they give children unique and healthy experiences. Though there are many benefits to extracurricular activities, sometimes, it is perfectly fine for the children to stay at home—provided they are old enough. According to family therapists, parents should never leave children under the age of 7 home alone. However, it may be okay to leave children from 8- to 10-years-old home alone for up to two hours.

You can leave older children home alone for a longer time, but they should never be alone at night. If a parent has plans for the evening, it is best to hire a babysitter or make arrangements for them to stay at a friend's house, where there will be adult supervision.

Call a Family Lawyer in DuPage County, Ill.

If you are going through a divorce, child custody or support dispute, you may benefit from speaking with an experienced DuPage County family attorney. Attorney Williams of the Law Office of Matthew M. Williams, P.C. can assess your case and provide valuable guidance. Contact our office today at 630-409-8184.

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The Law Office of Matthew M. Williams, P.C.


1444 North Farnsworth Avenue, Suite 307, Aurora, IL 60505

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