Wheaton Uncontested Divorce Attorney

Lawyer in DuPage County for Amicable Divorce Negotiations
If you and your spouse have decided to pursue a divorce, you have a couple of options about how to proceed. You could, for example, shut down all communication with your spouse and demand that he or she only talk to you through your lawyer. A case such as this is likely headed for a nasty courtroom brawl that could leave both you and your spouse—as well as your children—feeling the negative effects for many years to come. Fortunately, there is a better way to end your marriage.
My name is Attorney Matthew M. Williams, and I am the founder of and principal attorney at the The Law Office of Matthew M. Williams, P.C. in Aurora, IL. Through my career, I have helped many clients find common-sense solutions to their divorce-related concerns, giving them an alternative to contentious and bitter litigation. With more than 15 years of experience in the practice of the law, I understand the value of an uncontested divorce, and I know how to make the negotiation process work for you and your spouse. I will assist you in developing a workable divorce settlement agreement that offers everyone involved the best chance at a happier, healthier future.
Understanding Uncontested Divorce in Illinois
"Uncontested divorce" is a term that can be used to describe several types of divorce situations, but it generally refers to any divorce that is resolved by the spouses involved without the need for a trial or intervention by the court. This means that if you and your spouse can negotiate a settlement on all of the issues that are relevant to your situation, you can obtain an uncontested divorce. These issues include concerns such as marital asset division, parental responsibilities, child support, and much more.
Compared to a litigated divorce, an uncontested divorce can offer many benefits. First and foremost, in an uncontested divorce, you and your spouse maintain control over the outcome of your case. There will be no uncertainty about how the court will rule. Additionally, an uncontested divorce is usually faster and less expensive than a divorce that requires litigation.
There is also the issue of privacy. Anything that takes place inside the courtroom, including a divorce trial, is generally a matter of public record, which means that the details of your divorce will not be private. In an uncontested divorce, only the final agreement is public record. Your discussions and negotiations are kept confidential, giving you the privacy that you deserve.
Helping Spouses Find Common Ground
There are bound to be disagreements in nearly every divorce, including those that are uncontested. The good news is that I can help. I am trained in various methods of dispute resolution, which means I have the knowledge and tools to facilitate the negotiations between you and your spouse. I can also provide legal guidance and offer suggestions on how to resolve your differences so that the process continues moving forward.
Once an agreement has been reached, I will draft your formal settlement proposal to be submitted to the court for approval. I will ensure that your agreement and all other documents meet the requirements set by Illinois law. Even a single mistake during the process can be costly, and I can help you avoid such errors.
If you and your spouse have made cooperative decisions regarding all of the important issues related to your divorce, I can prepare and file all of your uncontested divorce paperwork for an affordable flat fee, with rates starting at just $1,500 plus court costs. Flexible payment plans and reasonable retainers are also available in cases requiting additional negotiations.
Schedule a Confidential Consultation
If you have additional questions about uncontested divorce in Illinois, contact my office to get the answers you need. Call 630-409-8184 for a confidential consultation and case review at the 630-409-8184 today. I handle each and every case personally, and you will always have direct access to me. I represent clients in Wheaton, DuPage County, and the surrounding areas.