Kendall County Uncontested Divorce Attorney

Family Lawyer for Easy Divorce Solutions in Yorkville and Oswego
What comes to mind when you think of the phrase "filing for divorce?" If you are like most people, you might picture a hostile courtroom scene like those that you see in movies and on television. In most such portrayals, you would see a sympathetic spouse on one side simply trying to get a fair outcome. On the opposing side, there is the other spouse—often a manipulative, villainous character upon whom "justice" is usually served.
My name is The Law Office of Matthew M. Williams, P.C., and I am the principal attorney at the The Law Office of Matthew M. Williams, P.C.In more than 15 years of practicing law, I have certainly seen—and handled—divorce cases that were as contentious and bitter as what you might see in a movie. These types of cases, however, are not as common as you might think. In fact, a large percentage of divorce cases are resolved long before they ever go to trial through negotiations and some are even uncontested. I am equipped to help you and your spouse explore this option for your situation.
Understanding Uncontested Divorce
The term "uncontested divorce" refers to a divorce proceeding in which you and your spouse can negotiate an agreement without taking the matter into the courtroom. As with any divorce, your agreement must address issues related to:
- Division of marital assets and debts
- Spousal maintenance, also known as alimony
- Allocation of parental responsibilities and parenting time
- Child support
- Any other considerations that may be relevant
It can certainly be challenging to cooperate with your soon-to-be ex-spouse, and reaching an agreement is not always easy. Fortunately, I have extensive training and vast experience in various methods of dispute resolution, which means that I am equipped to facilitate your negotiations and to come up with creative solutions to your disagreements. I can also help you complete the necessary paperwork so that your divorce can be finalized without any unnecessary delays.
Protecting Your Rights in Kendall County
If you and your spouse have already worked out arrangements on the major issues of your divorce, you might be wondering if you even need to hire a lawyer. While Illinois law does not require you to have an attorney during a divorce, I would not suggest trying to do everything on your own. Instead, contact my office, and I will ensure that your agreements meet the requirements set by Illinois divorce laws. I can also help you avoid errors that could result in thousands of dollars of lost assets or support payments that you should not have been required to pay. As your attorney, I will assist you in identifying possible areas of concern before they grow into full-blown problems.
The expenses associated with having me review your agreement are minimal compared to how much a mistake during the process could end up costing you. In fact, I offer flat fees in uncontested divorce cases where the spouses have already reached agreement of all of the relevant issues:
- $1,500 plus court costs for an uncontested divorce without minor children
- $2,500 plus court costs for an uncontested divorce with minor children
My flat fee includes the drafting of your settlement agreement and parenting plan, if needed, as well as an initial revision. It also includes filing your divorce petition and all other required paperwork with the court. If your case does not qualify for my flat fees, I also offer other options, including reasonable retainers and flexible payment plans, to ensure you get the legal help you need.
Call My Office Today
For more information about ending your marriage through an uncontested divorce, contact my office. Call 630-409-8184 to schedule a confidential consultation and case review at the Law Office of Matthew M. Williams, P.C. today. I work with individuals and families in Kendall County including Oswego, Yorkville, Sandwich, Minooka, Montgomery, Plano, Newark, Lisbon, Boulder Hill, Millbrook and Plattville.