The Law Office of Matthew M. Williams, P.C.


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What Does it Mean if My Parenting Time is Supervised?

 Posted on May 20, 2024 in Child Custody

Oswego, IL parenting time lawyerIllinois law refers to the time during which a parent has physical custody of his or her child as parenting time. Sometimes, a judge will order that a parent’s parenting time must be supervised. This can be difficult for a parent to process. It is never easy to know that your parenting time with your child will be restricted.

This article will discuss what it means when parenting time is supervised and why it is sometimes ordered by courts. For any questions regarding supervised parenting time, it is always best to consult an Illinois parenting time attorney.

What is Supervised Parenting Time?

The specifications of parenting time — such as scheduling and transportation for the child — are set in a document issued by a judge called a custody order. The judge’s main objective when issuing the custody order is that it is in the child’s best interest. If there is any possible danger to the child’s well-being by either parent, the court will take steps to protect the child. One of those methods is supervised parenting time.

When a parent’s parenting time is supervised, it means he or she must be chaperoned during meetings with the child. A chaperone can be:

  • A social worker

  • A family member

  • Professional supervisor

The job of the supervisor is to make sure that the child is safe from all forms of abuse and neglect and that his or her best interests are being met.

Why Do Courts Order Supervision?

Parenting time is by default unsupervised and a court will not order supervision lightly. Sometimes, however, a court feels that a parent is a threat to the child’s well-being because that parent:

  • Has a history of abuse or neglect

  • Might try to abduct the child

  • Has a history of alcohol or substance abuse

  • Has been accused of domestic violence or violence against a child

  • Has a criminal record, especially if it includes crimes against children

In any of these cases, a court can order certain restrictions to a parent’s parenting time, including supervision.

How Long Do Visits Have to Be Supervised?

Once supervision is ordered, it is not easy to get it lifted. Sometimes the supervision can be for an indefinite amount of time. Many times, however, it is a gradual process. The court might set benchmarks or certain milestones that must be met before the supervision starts to be gradually lifted and then, eventually, removed altogether.

Contact an Oswego, IL Parenting Time Lawyer

Being supervised during your parenting time can feel humiliating and painful. You may strongly feel that the supervision is not justified. No matter what, you should discuss the details of your case with a skilled Kendall County, Illinois parenting time attorney.

Matthew Williams is an attorney who is highly experienced in matters of parenting time and supervision. If you want to discuss how to remove your supervision order, contact the The Law Office of Matthew M. Williams, P.C. to speak to a lawyer who is aggressive about getting you the best result possible. Call 630-409-8184 for a consultation today.

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The Law Office of Matthew M. Williams, P.C.


1444 North Farnsworth Avenue, Suite 307, Aurora, IL 60505

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