Uncontested Divorce: How to Speed Up the Illinois Divorce Process

This type of divorce is an uncontested divorce, meaning there are not any points of disagreement or argument between the two parties who are getting divorced. Generally, for the divorce to be uncontested, both spouses have to agree on:
- Division of the marital property;
- Spousal support;
- How marital debts will be paid off; and
- Any other issue arising from the marriage.
The Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act states that the only couples who are eligible to use this process are couples who meet all of the following set of criteria:
- Neither spouse is dependent on the other for support;
- Both spouses waive their rights to support;
- At least one spouse has been a resident of the state of Illinois for at least six months prior to the divorce petition;
- Proof of irreconcilable differences has been met;
- No children were born of the relationship, the couple did not adopt a child and the wife is not pregnant with the husband’s child;
- The marriage did not last longer than eight years;
- Neither spouse has property or retirement benefits, or the retirement benefits are held in separate accounts and are less than $10,000 in value;
- The total value of all marital property is less than $50,000;
- The combined gross annual income from all sources is less than $60,000 and neither spouse makes over $30,000 annually;
- Both spouses have disclosed all of their assets, liabilities and tax returns during the marriage;
- Both spouses have formed a written agreement dictating the division of assets, debts, and liabilities; and
- Both parties have agreed upon who is responsible for any companion animals.
Although not all couples are eligible for a joint simplified dissolution, some couples are. Joint simplified dissolutions are the easiest and quickest way to get an uncontested divorce finalized. If you think that you might qualify for a simplified dissolution, or if you are unsure if you qualify, you should contact an Aurora divorce attorney to discuss your situation. The Law Offices of Matthew M. Williams, P.C. can help you figure out the best way to file for your situation. To set up a consultation, call the office at 630-409-8184.