The Law Office of Matthew M. Williams, P.C.


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The Advantages of Collaborative Law

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Collaborative Law

divorce, DuPage County divorce attorney, The Advantages of Collaborative Law, collaborative law, family law, child custodyWhen spouses are considering pursuing a divorce one of the primary considerations that must be made is how much money is it going to cost. From the cost of lawyers themselves to the various professionals that may need to be used in a divorce, the entire process can seem relentlessly expensive. However, there are options to avoid a potentially lengthy and costly divorce. One of those options is choosing collaborative law.

Collaborative law is a type of dispute resolution. It is a decidedly useful tool for spouses considering divorce. Collaborative law includes both spouses through their attorneys to cooperatively develop and acquiesce to the terms of the settlement.

Does Collaborative Law Always Work?

Despite collaborative law being a cooperative method of pursuing a divorce, the success still turns on whether the parties can reach an agreement. Not every collaborative law effort will be successful, and when the negotiations break down, the matter may have to be settled in court. Knowing this ahead of time should motivate you to choose an experienced and professional DuPage County divorce lawyer who has also been trained to handle collaborative law matters. It is important that the representation you choose is as skilled at alternative dispute resolution as they are in trial litigation.

Divorce proceedings involve not only case law but appellate rulings, case history, and established precedence. Collaborative law should not be considered as being entirely outside of the law as it still incorporates many areas of the law usually litigated over in a traditional divorce. It is still important that your lawyer is well versed in the law regarding child support as well as custody or as it is referred to since 2016, parenting time.

Who Gets Involved in Collaborative Law

When spouses pursue collaborative law, they are joined by a team of experts. Each team member concentrates on the issues that arise from their specific expertise. The types of specialist involved include:

  • Parenting specialist
  • Financial specialist
  • Divorce coaches

The collaborative process is conducted through a series of meetings. The purpose of these meetings is to allow the attorneys to guide the spouses through the process by providing a sound and safe structure to negotiate in. The process moves at the pace that the parties are comfortable with instead of the having a tempo set by the court.

DuPage County Experienced Collaborative Law Specialist

If you are considering a divorce and want to explore a less contentious more cost effective way to attain a settlement consider collaborative law. The compassionate and experienced DuPage County collaborative law attorneys at the Law Office of Matthew M. Williams, P.C. have over 100 litigated cases under his belt and has been specifically trained in collaborative law. Contact our Aurora, Illinois office at 630-409-8184 to schedule an initial consultation.


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The Law Office of Matthew M. Williams, P.C.


1444 North Farnsworth Avenue, Suite 307, Aurora, IL 60505

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