The Law Office of Matthew M. Williams, P.C.


1444 North Farnsworth Avenue, Suite 307, Aurora, IL 60505

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Remarriage and Prenuptial Agreements

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreements

prenupAs many as half of all marriages in the United States end in divorce. While divorce still tends to have a negative stigma surrounding it, it is often the best choice that a person can make. You are better off being divorced and happy than continuing to live in a miserable marriage. Some people may think that a divorce is the end of their romantic lives, but many people use their divorce as an opportunity to reconnect with themselves and find a partner who is the right fit for them. If you are considering remarriage, it does not come without its own set of complications. Here are three things you should consider before you tie the knot again:

Make Sure the Timing Is Right

Experts say that you should wait about a year before you begin dating again after you have been divorced. This allows you to spend some time outside of a romantic relationship, which you can use to get in touch with yourself, rediscover your interests and determine what you want in your next romantic relationship. Remarrying too soon after a divorce can be a recipe for failure, but the timing can differ for everyone. If it feels natural to get remarried, then you are probably ready.

How Will Your Children React to the Remarriage?

Children can have a lot of opinions about a lot of things - and your remarriage will be no exception. Getting married again means inviting a new person into your life, but that also means that this person will be in your children’s lives as well. Before you get married again, talk to your children about how they feel and see what they have to say about the idea. While it is ultimately not their decision, it can be beneficial for both you and them if they are on board.

A Prenuptial Agreement Can Protect You and Your Finances

Many people turn to prenuptial agreements before they get remarried. Prenuptial agreements can help you protect your finances and your assets in your second marriage. They can also help you spell out certain terms for your children, such as what property your children will get if you were to get divorced or where certain family heirlooms will go.

A DuPage County Prenuptial Agreement Attorney Can Set You Up For Success

A divorce does not have to mean the end of your love life. Romantic relationships after a divorce can be some of the most meaningful relationships of your life. There are certain considerations that you should make before you enter into a second marriage. At the Law Offices of Matthew M. Williams, P.C., we can help you understand the ramifications of getting remarried and how it can affect your current child support orders or parenting plan. We can also help you draft a secure and thorough prenuptial agreement if you believe that one is right for you. Call our experienced Aurora, IL prenuptial agreement lawyers for a consultation at 630-409-8184.


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The Law Office of Matthew M. Williams, P.C.


1444 North Farnsworth Avenue, Suite 307, Aurora, IL 60505

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