Items Every Illinois Prenup Should Have
Posted on December 00, 0000 in Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreements

Even though the notion of planning for the end of your marriage before you are even married is not the most romantic thought, it is smart decision making. A
prenuptial agreement is a legal document that dictates how each spouse’s assets are divided if the marriage ends in divorce. There are quite a few things that a prenuptial agreement can--and should--contain.
Premarital Assets and Debts
You should make a list of your assets and debts that are currently in your name and that you acquired before your marriage. These assets can be anything from savings and brokerage accounts, a car, jewelry or a house. You and your spouse should be upfront with each other about assets that you are bringing into the marriage. You should also discuss how you will handle the division of premarital assets and debts in the event that they become intertwined with marital property.
Marital Property
In general, marital property is any asset or debt that is acquired during the marriage. The prenuptial agreement should spell out how you handle the assets and income that you gain during the marriage. You could possibly split marital property 50/50, or you could distribute the marital property as equitably as possible, meaning it may not be 50/50. This can save you a lot of time in the future if you do end up getting divorced.
Spousal Support
Though you are not required to have a section for spousal support in a prenuptial agreement, it can be extremely helpful to have your wishes down if you do get a divorce. Depending on you and your spouse’s assets, living expenses and other things, you may be entitled to spousal support. If your prenuptial agreement contains clauses about spousal support, the courts must follow the agreement’s terms.
Get Support from an Aurora Prenuptial Agreement Attorney
Prenuptial agreements are becoming more and more popular and are losing the stigma that they once held. This is due partly because couples are tending to enter into marriage with a lot more assets than they did 40 years ago. If you are engaged and think a prenuptial agreement is right for you, a skilled DuPage County prenuptial agreement attorney can help you draft an agreement that fits your needs. Contact the Law Offices of Matthew M. Williams, P.C. at 630-409-8184 to set up a consultation.