The Law Office of Matthew M. Williams, P.C.


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Divorce Affects Dads Too

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Divorce

Divorce Affects Dads Too, divorce, child custody, child support, visitation, DuPage County divorce attorneyMuch is written about divorce and the impact it has on the parties involved. A husband and wife who thought their marriage would last forever suddenly find themselves splitting marital assets, and creating schedules to see their children. It seems there is no shortage of articles addressing how wives and children are affected by divorce, and rightly. Just as important are the adjustments and coping skills the husband/dad must apply to his new, post-divorce life.

Tips and Tools for the Divorced Dad

Divorced dads must now navigate new and uncharted territory; helping raise children under very unique circumstances and with a whole new set of rules. While the divorce decree may establish certain details about support and visitation, there are things the divorced dad must come to realize on his own.

  • You did not divorce your kids. It may be difficult at first, but this may be a chance to reconnect with your child(ren) under different circumstances and new rules.
  • Don’t be a part-time dad. Either you are or you are not. Commit to spending time with your kids.
  • Stay connected if distance is an issue. Use technology to stay in touch with your children if distance, whether for work or new living arrangements, keeps you apart.
  • Set rules and stick to them. If children can differentiate between the rules at home and the rules at school, they can live with different rules at dad’s home and at mom’s.
  • It’s OK to seek advice, but keep in mind that all situations are unique. The only expertise that matters is that which you develop through experience.
  • There is no need to spend large amounts of money on extravagant gifts or exotic vacations. Above all else, your children desire your time and attention.
  • Parenting classes exist for a reason. Don’t be afraid to use this resource in an attempt to (re)build a great relationship with your children.
  • Trust your instincts. It may take time, but eventually parenting as a divorced dad will become as natural as breathing.

Retain the Services of an Experienced Aurora Divorce Lawyer

If you suspect your marriage may be headed for a divorce, or your spouse has filed to start divorce proceedings it is important you find help from a divorce attorney who will protect your rights. Speak with a knowledgeable and experienced DuPage County divorce attorney as soon as possible. At The Law Offices of Matthew M. William, P.C. you will meet a team of professionals committed to providing a thorough review of your case and experienced counsel.


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The Law Office of Matthew M. Williams, P.C.


1444 North Farnsworth Avenue, Suite 307, Aurora, IL 60505

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