How the Collaborative Divorce Process Works in Illinois

The theory behind a collaborative divorce is that both spouses will work together (or collaborate) to come to an agreement that they can both be satisfied with. Both spouses have their own lawyers, much like a traditional litigated divorce. Rather than deciding issues in court, the collaborative process takes place in private meetings between the two spouses and their lawyers where the group negotiates their issues, rather than having a judge decide their outcomes. Collaborative divorce begins with both spouses sign an agreement stating that they will:
- Not go to court;
- Be honest with one another and foster communication; and
- Take a problem-solving approach to their divorce.
In addition to their separate attorneys, couples who are using the collaborative model for divorce also have a team of trained professionals to guide them through the different issues that a divorce comes with. These professionals might include:
- A financial planner;
- A child psychologist;
- A family therapist;
- A real estate broker; and
- A parenting coordinator.
Collaborative divorce can greatly reduce the strain and emotional impact that divorce has on a person. Because of the nature of collaborative divorce, spouses are required to work together to solve their issues--not fight about them. This creates a more communicative nature between the spouses, which increases the likelihood of successful post-divorce outcomes. Your first step in beginning the collaborative divorce process is finding a Kendall County collaborative divorce attorney. The Law Office of Matthew M. Williams, P.C. can help you take the first steps toward a fair divorce. To set up a consultation, call 630-409-8184.