Are You Being Denied Parenting Time?
There are many scenarios that could lead to you having significantly less parenting time with your child than the other parent. Perhaps you were not married when your child was born and the court granted the other parent all of the decision-making responsibilities for the child and most of the parenting time. Or, maybe at the time of your divorce, you had serious issues with anger or showed signs of alcohol abuse, leading the court to limit the danger to your child. Whatever the reason may be, if you have precious little time with your child, you want to make the most of it. If the other parent is making it difficult for you to exercise your right to parenting time, a qualified family lawyer can help.
Get Things in Writing
Being denied access to your child can incredibly frustrating, especially if it is being done out of spite or anger. A finding of danger by the court is one thing, but the unsanctioned actions of the other parent are not acceptable. The first thing you should do if your parenting time rights are being unfairly limited is to keep a record of all communication between you and the other parent. Using emails or text messages instead of phone calls or in-person conversations can provide the documentation you may need down the road. If you ask to see your child and the other parent refuses, document his or her response. Failure by the other parent to comply with your court-ordered parenting arrangement could result in serious consequences for him or her.
Avoid Impulsive Action
It is also important for you not to take actions or engage in behavior that could be construed as deceptive or threatening. Do not show up unannounced at the other parent’s home demanding to see your child; such behavior could be considered harassment. Do not try to pick your child up from school unannounced on a day that is not your scheduled day to "make up" for a previously denied visit. You could face court sanctions and loss of your already limited parenting time for creating unnecessary stress for your child.
Address Your Matter With the Court
Instead of taking action on your own, you would be better served by bringing your issue before the court. When presenting your side of the story, any documentation or saved conversations that you have can be used to support your claim that you are being unfairly denied parenting time.
Before going to court, however, you should discuss your matter with an experienced DuPage County family law attorney. Call 630-409-8184 to schedule a confidential consultation at the Law Office of Matthew M. Williams, P.C. today.