The Law Office of Matthew M. Williams, P.C.


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Bad Divorce Advice

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Life After Divorce

divorce-adviceWhen considering a divorce, or while you are going through this highly emotional and stressful experience, perhaps the last thing anyone wants to hear is a lot of advice about how to handle the whole process. A divorce is a very personal matter. It would be rare that any two divorces are exactly alike, so it is unlikely that advice from one will fit the needs of another.

Do What is Best for You

No one knows or understands your marriage experience better than you, so applying the advice of others to a very personal matter, such as a divorce, may prove to be quite counterproductive. Here is a sample of some advice that might be right for some, but could be considered quite bad depending on an individual’s circumstances. If you hear this advice from friends or family, proceed with caution.

  • Separate as soon as possible and cut off all contact. Not only will this create an adversarial relationship with your spouse, but also could negatively impact your relationship with your children.
  • Start dating immediately. It might be better to give yourself time to heal, before diving into the next relationship. Get to know yourself again as a single before starting a new relationship.
  • Wait at least one year before dating. While sounding contradictory to the point listed above, understand that people deal with matters at different rates. You are ready when you are ready.
  • Ban your ex-husband (ex-wife) from your home. This might feel powerful, but it can have a negative effect on your children.
  • Don’t get remarried. Just because you (or the person offering this advice) had a bad marriage does not mean a second marriage will not last.
  • Stop feeling sorry for yourself and just move on. Everyone deals with and processes the resentment, anger and other emotions that accompany divorce at their own pace.
  • Time to get out there and find Mr. (or Mrs.) Right before it is too late. Once again, it is important to set your schedule and take on a new relationship when you are ready. If it turns out you are never ready, well that is just fine.

Retain the Counsel of a Knowledgeable Aurora Divorce Attorney

To help you through the time-consuming and emotionally charged divorce process it is best to work with an attorney who has a history of successfully navigating divorce courts and family law. An experienced  DuPage County divorce lawyer will provide the resources necessary to guide you through a divorce while limiting anxiety and legal exposure. To schedule an initial consultation contact the Law Offices of Matthew M. Williams, P.C. and learn how working with an experienced divorce attorney can benefit you.


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The Law Office of Matthew M. Williams, P.C.


1444 North Farnsworth Avenue, Suite 307, Aurora, IL 60505

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