The Law Office of Matthew M. Williams, P.C.


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Back-to-School Tips for Divorced Parents

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Child Custody

divorceAs summer comes to a close, children are returning back to school, some of which are excited to begin learning new things, while others are depressed that summer vacation is over. While some children are anxious to begin the new school year, some parents are as well. New school years can bring about issues for some divorced parents, such as purchasing school supplies, managing permission forms, communicating with teachers, and parent-teacher conferences. Back-to-school time can be daunting for divorced parents, which is why it can be beneficial to keep these tips in mind when dealing with issues that may arise throughout the school year:

Split the Cost of School Supplies

With the start of a new school year comes the need for new school supplies. With a long list of pencils, crayons, paper, folders and scissors that the teacher sends home, plus new school clothes, uniforms, shoes, a backpack and lunchbox, it is safe to say you will probably be spending a small fortune on these items. If you and your spouse do not have a prior arrangement worked out, it is a good idea to split the cost of these supplies, so one of you is not bearing the brunt of it.

Alert the Teachers of the Divorce

Telling the teachers about your divorce can be especially helpful if your divorce is a new event in the child’s life or if your child is having difficulty coping with it. Children who are in the process of coping with a divorce can show signs of distress, trouble focusing, become easily distracted or can act out in school. If the teacher is aware of the divorce beforehand, they can be more understanding and supportive if those events do happen.

Create a Calendar of Events

There will be a number of important events throughout the school year, like plays, concerts, parent-teacher conferences, school pictures and project deadlines. By creating an online calendar that both parents have access to, you can help keep everyone in the loop and minimize the chance that one parent might be unaware of an event. May email services online and apps have the ability to create editable calendars for collaborations.

Create a Routine and Stick to It

Children thrive off of routines - they do their best when they know what is expected of them and when it is expected. During the school year, you and your spouse should make set bedtimes, a specific time when homework should be done, regular mealtimes and scheduled playtimes. These times should be enforced at both parents houses and can help your child be successful in school.

Get Help from a Kendall County Divorce Lawyer

While back-to-school can be a daunting time for children, it can be just as stressful for divorced parents. Having a solid parenting plan can be extremely helpful during this time, which is why you should get help from a Naperville divorce attorney. The Law Office of Matthew M. Williams, P.C. can help you create a sound parenting plan that can help you stick to a school-year routine that benefits everyone. Call the office at 630-409-8184 to set up a consultation.


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